Young couple with keys to their new home
Residential lettings

Sections 8 and 21 cases, buy-to-let issues, possession, eviction and rent deposits; the landlord and tenant relationship, tend to produce issues ideally suited to mediation. Is eviction possible? Can I recover my deposit? Do I have to give a rent free period or defer the rent if my tenant is in financial difficulty? An early mediation with Holt Mediation offers the opportunity of a swift and cost-effective resolution, certainty and a possible solution which everyone can live with.
Residential lettings
Call Holt Mediation now on 07771 728910
Disputes come in all shapes and sizes therefore it is important to have a clear idea of the objective of mediation; to try to achieve a resolution all parties find acceptable on a sensible, compromise basis. We specialise in two key areas where mediation brings benefits; property disputes and wills and probate. If you need help in these areas, take a look at the overview panels below where mediation can really make a difference.
Call Holt Mediation now on 07771 728910

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